As sewists, the time we spend curating our collections of fabric, patterns, and tools is immeasurable, often over a span of years if not decades.
You may be familiar with SABLE (Supplies Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy), but have you actually planned what should happen to your projects, supplies, and resources once you're gone? Should they go to someone specific, or to an organization that might use them to benefit people truly in need?
The last place your legacy should end up is on the racks of a for-profit thrift store. Or worse — the landfill.
We at the Seam Rippers Club have created a Sewist's Collection Legacy Sheet that will protect and honour all that time and energy you have poured into your hobby. This printable PDF contains easy-to-follow instructions you can fill out and leave in your craft room to provide that extra nudge of support to your loved ones who might not know what to do with your collection once you are gone.
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Email us if you have any questions, concerns, requests, nerdery, or fun sewing stories: